School Meals
At Hollickwood School we serve healthy school lunches.
We encourage everyone to subscribe to school meals so that balanced and nutritious lunch can be enjoyed every day.
Our catering staff display photographs of lunch options in the canteen every day you can view our current menu here.
Meal Information
Reception and Years 1 and 2 school meals are provided Unoversal Infant Free School Meals and in academic year 2023/2024, all London pupils in Years 3 to 6 will also receive free meals. We ask parents to pre-book school lunches weekly or half termly in advance, online via School Money. Special diets can be catered for, and drinking water is always available. Children may bring their own packed lunch from home, which should be brought in a suitable container and should provide healthy nutritious meal.
Menu Information (barnet catering services) 19 things you must know about our menu
- 75% of our dishes are homemade and produced from fresh ingredients
- We do not use nuts or nut products
- We do not use any genetically modified ingredients
- All the meat and poultry we serve is either organic or Farm Assured
- Only vegetable oil is used
- We only use free range eggs
- All our fresh milk is organic
- Fresh seasonal vegetables are served on the menu every day
- An extensive range of fresh salads is offered every day
- The majority of fish products are MSC certified
- We do not serve any fried products on our menu
- All our puddings are suitable for vegetarians
- All our sponge puddings are homemade
- A selection of fresh fruit including melon, grapes, fresh pineapple and strawberries are offered daily
- Only vegetarian jelly is used
- Kosher and Halal meat options are offered in schools requiring this provision
- We only use vegetarian cheese in our recipes
- Our menus comply with the Government’s Food Based Standards
- We hold The Soil Association Food for Life Silver Catering Mark
Free School Meals
The eligibility for Free School Meals (FSM) is not automatic and if youreceive the qualifying benefits, please check your eligibility with us by submitting the FSM application form. This needs to be done every September for continuous support.
Applying for FSM is important as the school gets extra funding for every FSM eligible child registered. To apply, please complete and return our FSM application form.
At Hollickwood, we cater for allergies and try to make sure we do not put any child at risk. We are a NO-NUT school and have FISH ONLY ON FRIDAY so please make sure there aren’t any nuts in any packed lunches and pack fish in only on Fridays as children allergic to these could be put at a high risk.
Also, if your child has any other allergies, please ensure you make us aware of these by filling the (medical condition form)
School milk is provided free to all children under the age of 5 years.