Personal Social and Health Economic Education


We are committed to providing pupils with the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to manage their lives, now and in the future. Delivering a broad and balanced life-skills PSHE curriculum, through our three strands of RSE, Health Education and Living in the Wider World (refer to Section 8), is essential for us in helping our children to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most out of school, work and life. Through quality delivery, our PSHE programme has been designed, and is implemented, so that our pupils:

-Develop positive values and a moral framework that guides pupils’ decisions, judgements and behaviour.

-Have the confidence and self-esteem to value themselves and others.

-Recognise when a situation is unsafe, and are supported to develop an understanding of their personal boundaries and those of others.

-Understand the processes of puberty, conception and birth.

-Develop positive, trusting relationships with all adults in the school and with each other.

-Know what healthy and respectful relationships look like at school, home and in the wider community.

-Understand the significance of family life for all, how families differ, and how they can support and impact on the development of a child.

-To have the strategies to positively manage periods of change and transition.

-Understand and value the fact that people hold a wide range of beliefs and views.

-Know that discrimination against others due to their views, beliefs or life choices is never right and to be able to challenge this appropriately.

-Have the opportunity to talk in a considered way about their own beliefs and values, and those of others.

-Know how to keep themselves safe online.

-Develop a culture of speaking up and speaking out so that children’s voices are heard and valued.

-Have the vocabulary, emotional literacy and confidence to express their emotions and views in a positive way.

-Know how to look after both their mental and physical health.

-Are assertive in situations where they are being pressured by others, and know and use strategies to resist that pressure.

-Are equipped with the tools that they need to face difficulties and challenges that may have a detrimental impact on their physical and mental health.

-Know how important it is to seek support, and identify trusted people or organisations who can provide this for them.

-Develop an understanding of themselves, and also an understanding of the importance of including and respecting others.

-Recognise that all actions have consequences, and that they must behave responsibly within all relationships.

-Know and understand the importance of the core British Values of: democracy, rule of law, respect, tolerance and individual liberty and relate these to their lives both inside and outside of school.


Our PSHE including RSE policy sets out how we implement our PSHE including RSE curriculum. You can find this under the 'policies' tab on this website.